180 Participate in Mississippi Healthcare Alliance’s Statewide Symposium

180 Participate in Mississippi Healthcare Alliance’s Statewide Symposium

Attendance at the January 26th event covered the system-of-care spectrum. STEMI and stroke coordinators, RNs, physicians, EMTs, paramedics and hospital administrators from around the state gathered with the goal of assessing and improving Mississippi’s systems of care for STEMI and stroke.

Morning sessions included an overview of the Mississippi STEMI system by Dr. Harper Stone followed by Dr. Tim Henry on the subject of STEMI systems of care and an update on stroke systems of care by Dr. Rishi Gupta.

Afternoon breakout sessions featured a panel discussion of STEMI and stroke systems of care with Brenda Miller, GSA VP Health Equity/Mission: Lifeline participating. A special session focused on the role of hospital administrators. Quality personnel involved in STEMI and stroke attended a session lead by Earl Coleman, AHA Director Quality Improvement, and Paula Feather, AHA Mission: Lifeline Director. The day ended with a panel on the vital part played by EMS in STEMI and stroke systems of care. MS News Now was on scene for an interview with Dr. Harper Stone on the initiative’s state-wide work.