CPR Training In Mississippi High Schools

CPR Training In Mississippi High Schools


All 237 public high schools now have CPR in Schools training kits thanks to the generous gift to AHA by the Mississippi Healthcare Alliance in 2016.  MHCA funded an additional 176 CPR training kits to complete the 2014 Mississippi State Legislature’s unfunded mandate to provide CPR training in Mississippi high schools. The CPR kits will be used by school nurses and teachers to train the high school students.  Training students begins March 2017 and will continue throughout the end of the year.  The CPR training kits will be usable for several years thus providing a new generation of Mississippians with the lifesaving skills of CPR.


Why CPR Training In Schools Is Important

  • Prepare young people to do CPR
  • Help high schools meet the CPR legislation
  • Increase CPR bystander rate in communities